Thursday, August 11, 2011

Op-shop treasures

I took Lolly over to a big op-shop this week to source some old utensils and crockery for her new toy kitchen.  Here's a reminder of how fabulous it is!  DinnerDad and Lolly MADE this!

I'm mightly proud of 'em, and have a warm feeling of wholesome home-made-i-ness, which is definitely a type of moral superiority.  Oh yeah, I'm looking at store-bought toy kitchens and judging your parental awesomeness right now. 

Anyhoo, all harsh and clearly deserved judgement aside, Lolly and I found some great stuff at Vinnies, and got all this awesome for under $20.
Including the big basket!
Love this vintage melamine plate, we got a matching pair, just too funky...

Gorgeous little olive oil ceramic for 50c!

It was such a bargain, I kinda feel now like I'm ripping off people for charity.

Lolly is loving her new utensils, and as DinnerDad proclaimed, it's very "Montezuma" of me.  It's his word for Montessori.  Oh, and breakages don't freak me out if it only cost 50c.  That's the law. 

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