Thursday, August 5, 2010

Of books, playdough, and salt...

Had to share my two gorgeous girls, out in the windy weather coming home after the brother was finished playing soccer on the weekend.  Naw!!  Check out the too cool for school Lolly in her glasses :D

Two gorgeous girls!

Lolly has started on playdough for the first time a couple of weeks ago, and is mad keen on it!  Here she is sitting on our dining room table with her "shapes".  She calls it "play shapes" and requests playdough fun several times a day.  Snail is also very keen, and says "playdough" as they do it at school with her as well.


The other day Lolly was endlessly making these "snakes", I roll em out with her, then she puts all the accessories on, first eyes, then "a tail" then "a back" - lol - which means all those blobs on their backs.  I think it's representing their scales, we had a snake skin here (sorry mum!) to look at the other week and she was very interested.  I was less impressed with DinnerDad who hid it behind the bookcase with just the tail poking out to scare me :-o

Lolly's snakes
And here she is eating salt on the rocking chair one morning.  She is salt obsessed, and given the slightest chance, nabs the salt grinder, gets up in the rocking chair, and eats all the salt out of the top of it. 

Like so... :D

Apparently it is nom nom nom!

Busy days here, here there and everywhere, we are slowly getting out of our sickness slump and getting back to normal (we hope!).  Today we went in to Snail's school to hang out, played basketball with the kids at break time, and generally were a huge hit with her class :D  We went to Ippy library and got heaps of books, Lolly is enjoying factual books at the moment, with real animal photos in them, as well as her Bears in the Night Dr Seuss, Hairy McClairy, and a book called the Wide Mouth Frog that Nanna got her.  She has a whole bit where we say the lines from the book, and pretend to eat her up for dinner.

She LOVES Bears in the Night at the moment, and recites it as we go.

So that's a snapshot of us lately, will post more soon! 

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Playdough is the best, I'm glad you finally succumbed ;). Lovely photos!!