Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Lolly the Artist - age 4 and nearly half

Lolly is 4 and a half (nearly) and loves art.  A day doesn't go by that she isn't drawing, painting, or doing some kind of gluing masterpiece.  And I'm here to make sure the internet viewing public sees them all!!

Here are some of her latest work, I've been so interested to see how much detail she does in her drawing lately!  Eyes will have circles and pupils, even little holes in the ears, fingers and toes, and hair, of course. 


Snails having a race!

Here, she's done her current fave - people with puppies.  You can see where she's written her name up the top.  Love the backwards "L" and will be sad to see it go.

Eyes with pupils!  Ears with little holes "to hear out of"!
All her pictures have elaborate and awesome stories attached to them.  Like this one, which is "a turtle in a tank with some feeder fish, some bubbles, and bees and a caterpillar for company."
Turtle in a tank :D
I am a total slacker and mostly make her do watercolours for painting, which is an inside job on a plastic table cloth.  I liked this one, which is water over a texter drawing of a dinosaur.

But lately she's been very into going outside with "proper" paints, which necessitates several baths a day.
Easel of mess :D
Products of easel of mess.

She also loves gluing and construction of all kinds.  Here is a puppy she made with a wooden peg and some fancy yarn my sister sent her for her birthday in March.

Finally, after an epic post of kid art (Yay, you all say, if you got this far!) - we have playdough ponds with creatures in them, her playdough fave thing to make lately.

Fish pond with eels, a horse and some lavender "trees"

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