We didn't get the kidlets Christmas Eve this year, so it was a lonely old time with just the three of us. We sure missed em! They were back Christmas morning, after my parents and sis arrived. We had pressie time and a fabulous lunch with a ham that D cooked to perfection - picture below!
Pressie time! Lolly got a xylophone from Mum, same as I got my first Christmas! She has had a great time playing with it since, she really gets going!
Snail got a Leap pad, here she is going over to show my Mum! (I think she likes it :-))
Here is Smash with the now-traditional hide-behind-Elmo Christmas shot (We already owned Elmo, he wasn't from Christmas).
Christmas dinner was delish - thank you D!
The Ham of excellence!
Lolly's Chrismas dinner! Some potato, asparagus tips, and some ham - Yum!
Lolly tries a little ham bone...
The wreckage of a good meal.
In the afternoon, D went to collect strawberrypot, my SIL, for more xmas fuds (D made pork belly that was to DIE for!) and pressies. Here is Snail with her new Bunny, Millie.
Kidlets went back to their mother's on Boxing day, and we've had a quiet time here since then. I'm getting used to having D at home! He has 3 weeks off starting Friday, which we are both looking forward to - kidlets back Friday as usual, too.
In Lolly news, she has 2 !!!! teeth! The first cut about two weeks ago with our colds and sore tummies from Sydney. It's the bottom left. Its neighbour has also poked its head up in the last couple of days!
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