Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Great breastfeeding links

I've been reading about the traps, and found a few fab bloggers writing about breastfeeding. It's something near and dear to my (and Lolly's!) heart. There is nothing like feeding your child from your breast, it has been one of the great joys of parenthood for me so far. Lolly and I hope to continue our breastfeeding relationship well into the future!

Look Left of the Pleiades on Breastfeeding "discretely"

From the f-word: The F-Word - Breastfeeding: radical, feminist and good for you, Kate Joester explains how breastfeeding helped her understand ‘the personal is political’

Breastfeeding on Children's Television at PhD in Parenting.

Read more on the International Breastfeeding Symbol here (or get one for your blog/website).

Illythia Inspired is a great site, and has more than one fab breastfeeding article on it. I like the Lactophobia piece in particular here.

The Hoydens About Town are fanbloodytastic, and have several good posts on breastfeeding. I like their coverage of the Salma Hayek "OMG STILL breastfeeding" stuff here.

1 comment:

Chris said...

I have breastfed my son for two years and now breastfeeding my daughter from the past one year, it's been going smooth for me! I will continue like this.

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